Matching program
At the First Web Foundation, we are committed to amplifying and supporting the work of small and medium-sized under-resourced nonprofit organizations (NGOs) in Africa (mainly in sub-Sahara) who are already making an exceptional impact in their communities – or demonstrate the potential to do so – as they strive to deliver their respective missions.
We do this by leveraging the new web-based and mobile technologies, helping these under-resourced organizations to connect with potential donors, sponsors, supporters, well-wishers, and many other stakeholders who may be interested to support their missions and to double their impact in the communities. Subsequently, it is the livelihoods of the community members that are enhanced significantly.
we help these under-resources community-based nonprofits with technical support, tailored information, news, tips, and resources related to the internet and mobile technology; online and mobile fundraising; online communications and social media; and non-cash grants for website domains, hosting, and development; and tailored training on web maintenance using WordPress, as well as general digital literacy to ensure sustainability. in so doing, First Web Foundation strives to contribute towards achieving sustainable development goals.
However, with regards to the website non-cash grant program, while First Web Foundation has the capacity to donate hosting space and domains to 1000 organizations, the organization does not, at present, have the human resource capacity to enable the development of the sites and mentoring of the representatives of the beneficiary organizations on how to sustainably maintain their sites on their own.
It, therefore, in this context that we have developed a Matching Program that seeks to identify either a volunteer or pro bono WordPress developer/designer from any part of the world who can be paired with any qualifying non-profit/NGO in Africa selected under this program. For only five (5) hours per week (that’s just one hour per day on average), a volunteer / pro bono WordPress developer/designer interested in contributing their time and skills may be requested to be matched with one (or even two if they like) selected non-profits/NGOs. The number of hours per week/day is just a recommendation, but the two parties (volunteer and beneficiary organization) are encouraged to discuss and agree on the schedule that is most convenient to both of them.
We have chosen the WordPress platform because we do realize that most of these NGO workers may most likely not have the website development skills such as HTML, PHP, Java, etc., and/or advanced computer skills. But as long as they possess some basic computer skills, they can always be easily oriented with WordPress tutorials which do not require advanced website skills – yet they will be able to customize/build stunning websites with the right WordPress themes.
Under-resourced Nonprofits and NGOs interested in receiving volunteer/pro bono help should complete this application form.
WordPress developers/designers interested in providing volunteer or pro bono assistance to a small community-based under-resourced nonprofit/NGO should complete this application form.